Sunday, July 27, 2014

April 14

Common birds: blue jay, robin, red-wing blackbird (male, female?), starling, goldfinch, chickadee, cardinal (pair), house sparrow, mallard duck (?)

Spring visitors: junco, yellow-bellied sapsucker

April 13

Common birds: starling, grackle, cardinal (pair), red-wing blackbird, robin, chickadee

Spring visitors: junco, white throated sparrow, brown creeper, golden crowned kinglet, thrush (veery?), chipping sparrow (?)

April 12

Common birds: starling, house sparrow

April 11

Common birds: robin, goldfinch, starling, cardinal (male), swan, Canada goose, mallard duck

Spring visitors: junco, kinglet (?), phoebe/flycatcher, cowbird (male?)

Heard: blue jay, chickadee

April 10

Common birds: robin, starling, house finch (pair), cardinal (pair)

Spring visitors: junco

Overhead: turkey vulture (?), gull

April 9

Common birds: blue jay, starling, cardinal (pair), robin, mourning dove, house sparrow (?), chickadee

Spring visitors: junco, song sparrow (?)

April 8

Common birds: cardinal (pair), starling, house sparrow, blue jay, robin, grackle

Spring visitors: junco, brown creeper

Overhead: hawk (red-tailed?)

April 7

Common birds: cardinal (male)

April 6

Common birds: cardinal (pair), chickadee, robin, house finch (pair), starling, grackle, downy woodpecker (male) blue jay, house sparrow, goldfinch

Spring visitors: junco, brown-headed cowbird (pair)

Overhead: gull

April 5

Common birds: cardinal (pair)

Spring visitors: junco

April 4

Common birds: cardinal (male), swan

Spring visitors: junco

April 3

Common birds: cardinal (pair)

Spring visitors: junco

Overhead: gull

April 2

It's been a while since I updated!  I kept track though, April-May was the spring migration of warblers and some other things. 

Common birds: cardinal (pair), mourning dove, grackle, downy woodpecker (male), house sparrow, blue jay, robin

Spring visitors: junco

Overhead: gull