Friday, May 24, 2013

Previously spotted...

It's only morning, so I haven't completed today's list, but I thought I would add a list of some of the birds I've seen already this spring, before beginning this journal.  I've omitted from this list the most common ones.

Over the winter, we get juncos, which summer further north, so they leave this area in early spring.

Since early April, and in no particular order, I've seen blue jays, goldfinches, chickadees, house finches, downy woodpecker, red tailed hawk.  These are not uncommon.

More seasonally, I've seen both golden crowned and ruby crowned kinglets, an ovenbird (mid May), a brown creeper, red breasted and white breasted nuthatches, baltimore oriole, white crowned sparrow, and what is most likely a least flycatcher (mid May) - though there are a couple of other flycatchers/phoebes that are similar. 

I also think I've seen a couple of warblers, but did not get a good enough look to be sure, or to tell what kind they might have been.  One was possibly a palm warbler, which I've seen in previous years, but the chipping sparrow has a similar chestnut cap on its head so without a better view of it, it's possible that's what I was seeing. 

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